FreedomID Employee Benefits

Why Protect Your Employees Today? 

  • In 2015 over 12.7 million New Consumers Experienced a Fraud Event - That’s one every 1.9 seconds
  • According to a recent Gallup Poll, Identity Theft is the #1 fear of Americans today.
  • Over 40 million dollars per day is lost in fraudulent events1
  • 89 Million Medical Records were exposed by data breaches in 20152

So...What are the chances it will happen to one of your employees?


  • Only 1 of 678 will be diagnosed with invasive cancer3
  • Only 1 in 409 will have a life insurance claim4
  • Yet 1 in 5 has already or will experience identity fraud 5


What's interesting is that while it’s American's #1 fear – less than 20% of people have protection. This is why a recent article in Employee Benefit News predicted Identity Theft Protection to be the fastest growing employer paid benefit in coming years.

We have plans that will cover your employee's entire family, FOR 1 FULL YEAR, for less than the cost of an average hour's wage. 

Why FreedomID?


    - No other service provider can or will provide your employees with depth of coverage for less.

    -  We never sell your employees data, they will never receive any additional offers only 24/7 Household protection provided by you.

    PLUS – every newsletter, service report and breach alert comes co-branded with logo reminding them that you provided the benefit.

    AND.... We provide your business with Commercial Breach Readiness services - FREE when you cover your employees.     


    1. 2015 Data Protection and Breach," Javelin Strategy & Research, 2015. 2. 2015 Data Protection and Breach. Online Trust Alliance. Pre-Release Draft (January 29, 2015) Based on first nine months of 2014. 3. SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2012, National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,, based on November 2014 SEER data submission, posted to the SEER web site, April 2015. 4. National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 63, Number 9, Table 3. Published 10/28/2014. 5. Eastbridge Consulting Group, 2015