For over 128 years the Machinist & Aerospace Workers Union has provided invaluable service to our members and families. We continue to align with our vision by providing comprehensive identity theft coverage to our memberships' families to combat what is the fastest growing crime in our time. As always, we will continue to work on behalf of our valued Machinist & Aerospace Workers.
- Mark Conner, Directing Business Representative, District 9
According to a recent Gallup Poll, Identity Fraud is the #1 concern of American's above all other crimes. When considering that 169 million personal records were compromised in 2015, people should be concerned. The fact is, identity fraud occurs once every two seconds - and the problem is getting worse.
The Best Core Coverage, The Best Price, and The Best Service
FreedomID provides you with FAMILY Identity Theft Coverage that includes:
Enrolling in your prepaid benefit takes about 20 seconds, just click the link below or go to
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