Welcome to Susan Sample's Private Page

My name is Susan Sample, and I am the FreedomID Area Sales Agent for St. Louis, MO. This page is set up so that you can learn about this unique product as a client appreciation gift and employer group benefit. This page will give you several interesting facts about Identity Theft and how FreedomID compares to other leading brands. 

A Little About FreedomID

Since 2010 we have provided comprehensive identity fraud protection products at group pricing. Our offering is unique to the market because:

  • Our award winning coverage is not individual - it is family or household protection.
  • The product allows for co-branding and special messages. 
  • The pricing is 50%-75% less than typical overpriced retail offerings available today.
  • All FreedomID products are underwritten by the nation's largest fraud resolution provider with over 45 million lives covered. 


Why Is This Coverage Important?

The simple fact is that every family in the USA should have this coverage because if it has not happened to you - it is just a matter of time. On average it takes 22 hours and thousands of dollars to restore your good name after it's been compromised. Let's just look at the facts from 2015...

  • 169 million personal files were compromised. - Credit.com
  • 1 in 5 employees were a victims. Eastbridge Research
  • 89 million medical records were compromised. - Credit.com
  • An identity is stolen once every two seconds. - Federal Trade Commission
  • It is now the #1 fear of Americans. - Gallup

What Does FreedomID Cover?

FreedomID's core product is LifeStages, which is designed to address the fundamental need of all fraud victims - the three R's: resolution, reimbursement and reoccurring: See below for a summary of LifeStages, which is a core protection product.

  • Family Protection: Coverage is for all people living in the household. 
  • Unlimited Resolution Services: fraud experts will work to resolve your case and restore your identity without financial limitations. 
  • Reimbursement Insurance: FreedomID includes coverage for out-of-pocket expenses up to $25,000 (Aggregate). 
  • Proactive Services: Fraud Experts are always available to help you with questions, concerns or best practices. Monthly newsletters keep you informed of best practices, breach alerts and industry developments. 
  • Document Replacement: Coverage includes lost or stolen wallet document replacement services - even if you are traveling out of the country!
  • No Answering Services: When you have a problem and call the 24hr hotline - you go directly to a professional fraud expert; and that fraud expert will be your case manager until resolved. No frustrating answering systems and talking to machines.

    FreedomID Products

    FreedomID is not a traditional retail product splashed all over the internet and radio for absurd prices. Rather, the product is available in three formats designed to provide excellent value to the recipient. See below to learn more. 


    Unique Gifts

    Employee Benefits

     Fundraising Causes

    As Low As $20 Per Gift (Value Pack Purchases) 

    As Low As $2.00 Per Family Per Month

    Contribute $40% - 50% of profits to your group.

    • Be Remembered - provides 12 Months of family coverage
    • Includes your co-branding AND Special Message on gift and electronic newsletters.
    • Costs Less than a typical gift card, but is thoughtful and unique.
    • Valued at $110/yr compared to similar products from LifeLock.
    • Comprehensive: Protect your employees'  families against the fastest growing crime in America.
    • High Utilization: 1 in 5 employees would have used the coverage in 2015.
    • Simple: Rollout is electronic and is non-invasive to work flow.
    • Inexpensive: Group rates range for $2.00 - $3.50 per family per month.
    • Provide real value that lasts for 12 months.
    • Get 40%-50% of price for your group.
    • No inventory to distribute - it's all electronic.
    • No cash to manage - it's all done for you.
    • Includes a landing page that describes your cause.
    Perfect for Realtors, Accountants, Financial Advisors & Mortgage Officers Perfect for small employers, large employers, benefit brokers and general agencies.  Perfect for schools, churches, youth sports clubs, organizations for causes.


    If you would like more information on any of the products above please feel free to contact me.

    Susan Sample

    (555) 555-5555
